Tuesday, June 9, 2020

If There is No Male and Female There is No SSA

If there is no male and female, there is no SSA.

No, we didn't say that. J.K. Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter series, a noted leftist, did. Yes, on June 6, 2020 she tweeted,

"If sex [male and female] isn't real, there is no same-sex attraction. If sex isn't real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn't hate to speak the truth."

"People who menstruate. I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?"

She is getting all sorts of grief and backlash for voicing her thoughts, even from Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliff, the now pro-gay guy who made millions off of her. What a fair weather friend he turns out to be.

We don't agree with J.K. about a lot, but her books were very clever and imaginative and actually based on traditional values of good vs. evil and male and female, and her thoughts here are correct and important. You can't demolish the concept of the two biological sexes and then honestly insist there is such a thing as same-sex attraction, meaning male to male or female to female. It just disappears into thin air, if you think about it for a second. No male and female, no same sex persons to be attracted to each other. Here she is actually seeming to try to help gays, pointing out that they had better think about this trans thing and admit there is male and female or they themselves don't have a leg to stand on.

But LGBT activists and supporters have knee-jerk reactions to any thought or idea that limits or sheds actual light on their limitless ideology toward sexuality. All things are permitted in their world. Even things that are actually dangerous and things that make absolutely no sense.

So if there is no male or female, there is no same-sex attraction. To go further, if there is no male or female, you can't say there is opposite-sex attraction either (which you can bet some people would like to abolish). You can't say there is such a thing as trans as well, because that is a person of one of the two sexes going to great lengths to try to make him or herself over into the other of the two sexes. Male and female is the basis of all of it. There is no getting away from this reality. Boy or girl is the first thing parents want to know about their baby. As C. S. Lewis says, all evil is a perversion of something good.

We have said this before: it is a total obsession with sex (male and female) and human sexual behaviors that is at the foundation of the delusional and exploitive and hedonistic LGBT movement, which pretends to be merely about "sexual identity," and which at the same time ironically purports that male and female is merely a meaningless and hurtful social construct. Their entire platform is based on something they deny. It's a complete delusion. Smoke and mirrors. Phony wizardry.

This is how we can see that the societally approved "right" (or fatal principle as CSL called it) to designate oneself as whatever messed up or made-up gender one feels like adopting at any given time sets us up to watch the whole house come tumbling down. And we don't mean just traditional society. We mean everybody and everything. CSL called this the abolition of man, done by man himself. Yes, man is definitely capable of sweeping himself off the face of the earth in one way or another.

We have wondered why women especially in general don't rise up against the trans nonsense. As per J.K., she knows that male humans never never never experience menstruation, for example, which monthly event is serious and not particularly fun for women for decades of their lives, from adolescence to menopause. Menstruation is a big personal responsibility, and it is an insult and an affront to all females that society would wholeheartedly accept and celebrate males pretending to be females---for this reason alone. Yes, menstruation is a very big deal for females. It means they are healthy and can have babies, which is all  part of a mysterious realm males will never understand or experience no matter how hard they pretend or contrive. And the fact that they pretend and that others pretend to believe them is very sad.

There is male and female. J. K. Rowling knows it. And whether or not in the future she pretends to apologize for holding and sharing her now revolutionary ideas, she knows that's what makes the world go 'round.And what makes her books sell.

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