Sunday, October 1, 2017

Birth, Diet, Female Spirits: Excuses for Sin?

Don't you think they really might be born that way?

Gays are gay because of the additives that are put in our foods!

We believe our son is possessed of an evil female spirit; that's why he's acting this way.

Believe it or not, people are making such arguments, old and new, and there are surely more on the horizon. 

We always want to ask, So what is your point?

Their point, if they would just stop to think about it, is: the gay person is not responsible for his thoughts or acts; for these people, although sane, there is apparently no such thing as agency. Their point, if they would just stop to think about it, is: there is no such thing as right or wrong or sin or Christ or repentance or redemption. Their point, if they would just stop to think about it, is: we have to find an excuse for these people, our spouses, our fathers, our children, our relatives, our friends, our fellow humans, because they can't possibly be as bad as all that.

Well there is such a thing as agency. There is law, sin, and God. There is a Savior, for the repentant. If a person is mentally healthy, there is no excuse for sexuality gone bad. And in making excuses for homosexual lust, those making the excuses are paving the way for more homosexual lust. By way of their misguided but perhaps well-intended apologetics, they promote the problem.

Oh, and by the way, all the above excuses may not only be excuses for sin, but are considered bigoted and hateful in the highest degree these days. The narrative goes like this. How dare you insinuate that gay people don't have agency; in fact, a person's sexuality is fluid from moment to moment! It is pure homophobia to claim gays' perfectly lovely same-sex sexual desires to be a problem of any kind, much less a dietary problem! The very idea that gays are possessed of devils is pure hatred!

We will say this. Young people are being exposed nonstop to the glorification of homosexuality in all its unlimited forms. Have the excuse-makers noticed that all things homosex are being portrayed as some kind of wonderful today? This has got to confuse kids' natural modesty and innocence. It has got to get them curious about trying out any or all variations of this sex stuff. Homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, transgenderism, whatever---it all  amounts to the newest form of  childish attention-getting, rebellion, escape from boredom, a way to get kicks. What with legal convenience abortion, and blaming everyone but oneself for contracting STDs, we now have zero-responsibility sex: it's the new drug addiction.

No, they don't need the born-that-way excuse. They don't need the same-sex-lust-making-food excuse. They don't need to blame any evil visitor taking over their body. If you really need an excuse, homosexuality is in the air they breathe!

But excuses, real or imagined, aside, what's more important is this: Is the thing right or wrong, moral or immoral, healthy or destructive? Should it be endured, pitied, and embraced, or should it be resisted, exposed, rooted out, treated, denounced, overcome, repented of?

Everybody, in their heart of hearts, knows the answer to that question.What is not good for the swarm is not good for the bee (Marcus Aurelius).

While it is important for an individual to root out the causes of his or her inclination toward bad sexual manners, what's more important for everyone is to turn to the Lord and find solutions in the gospel. We're told it's more powerful than anything else.

C. S. Lewis said there are a dozen views about anything until you know the answer. Then there is only one.The one right answer to the homosexuality juggernaut is to turn back to decency and to God, to His rules for human sexuality, to teach kids decency and righteousness, to show how the gospel of fallen man, Christ, and redemption works in our everyday lives.

Anyone can know by common sense, or the Spirit of the Lord, if professional help is needed. But then it must be wanted. Sometimes these sexual problems are merely a symptom of deep mental and emotional trauma and disturbances, an aspect of homosexuality the pro-gay world doesn't care one bit about.

Coming up with sweeping, superficial excuses for homosexual lusting doesn't help anyone or solve anything.

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