Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Why Homosexualists Never Speak of Rules or Risks

Has anyone else noticed that most gay affirming individuals and groups do not say anything about sexual purity, virtue, or chastity, inside or out? Absolutely nothing. These topics are absent even among those Mormons, for instance,who insist that gayness can be lived in a wholesome and celibate way. No, regarding this gay world there is never a word against the vices of lust or pornography or masturbation, vices that lead to sexual behaviors with other people. Neither is there any talk against the disease-ridden promiscuity so common in the gay life, even among those who insist they are a couple/married. Even gay monogamy (just as harmful as gay promiscuity when it comes to anal cancer caused by sodomy) does not pop up except as implied in gay "marriage."

Evidently gays are just not to be subject to or held responsible for the same rules as straight people are. Nor do any of these gay-affirming people issue any warnings about the very real off-the chart health and well being risks inherent in the gay lifestyle. Mental illness, disease, drugs, sexual and other abuse, domestic violence, and murder within the gay community are seldom if ever mentioned or emphasized in schools, churches, or in the mainstream news, and if they are spoken of they are mischaracterized.

For example, recently a couple of lesbians apparently ran themselves and their whole adopted family off a cliff, the vehicle's speedometer broken reading 90 mph.  The fact is, they had been reportedly abusive in more ways than one to the six children, and ended up deathly violent with at least one suicide and six or seven people murdered. Officials had been unsuccessful at investigating the reported child abuse, and the women fled taking their children when confronted. When we heard this on the radio, there was zero mention of lesbianism or child abuse. How irresponsible and harmful to society at large to leave these important facts out!

Incidents like these are not accurately reported or given the attention they need in our mainstream communities today. Instead, we hear endlessly of gay youth suicides, suicides that are blamed on a homophobic society, suicides in reality caused by all sorts of deeper issues that were and are ignored.
In addition we hear endlessly about diversity, and acceptance of, and ministering to this, that, and the other self-inflicted problem, including self-identified sexual aberration. The latest count is ninety human sexes. Not two. Ninety.

Doesn't the fact that there are no boundaries or warnings in regard to homosexulaity strike anyone as telling? Correct us if we're wrong. We hope we're wrong. But in our experience, we do not see or hear anything, not from media, not from schools, not from churches, not from gay organizations, not from medical associations, not even from families or friends of gays, about any rules or risks in connection with homosexual behaviors. No, there is no "safe sex" program in the LGBT world, not even for youth, even though it's the most deadly kind of sexual behavior there is. We never hear safety warnings among the gay community.  Hardly anybody talks about the facts, except maybe the CDC, which is disregarded. The only people who really care about the health of gays are marginalized. People like PFOX, Mass Resistance, a few medical people, us.

This is insane. There is no education, there are no facts, there is no gospel of Jesus Christ.

We never see a scenario of a coming-out or gay "marriage" where is included some interest or advice about abuse or pornography or promiscuity or lust or violence or disease, all common in the gay lifestyle. There is no reference to sexual purity (because sexual purity cannot exist in homosexuality) or mental health. We submit these glaring omissions exist because these people do not care one whit about truth or right and wrong. They don't care who they exploit or endanger. They don't care about human relationships. They don't care about the future of  homosexuals, here or in the next life. They don't care about goodness. What they care about is furthering a Godless, inhumane "progressivism." There must be a lot of very bitter and angry people caught up in this cause. Chances are they have been abused themselves, which is horrible and tragic, but does not excuse the doing of more wrongs.

One horrific wrong perpetrated by the pro-gay community (we're talking not just gay organizations anymore, but now schools, churches, and families) is its predatory nature. They increasingly do everything they can to target and label children with gender nonconformities, the younger the better. We used to call them a bit of a tomboy or a sissy, and they grew out of it. Now, it's immediately a permanent thing that has to be accepted and coddled.

Like the large family we sat behind the other Sunday when we were visiting a nearby congregation.  A little girl, maybe eight years old, apparently much pampered, sported a pony tail and yet was obviously proudly dressed in a boy's suit, white shirt, and tie. Now, the parents had to have acquired and prepared those clothes just for her. In this day and age, surely the parents know there is a dangerous and perverse future sexual component to this act. Surely to purposely dress your child for church in obviously opposite sex clothing is a form of child abuse. And if the child insists, to borrow from Flannery O'Connor, a child's taste should not be consulted; it is being formed. We are also told the girl is allowed to play outside in the neighborhood in shorts and no top.

Yes, rather than face all sorts of truth, and stand for the truth come what may, these sorts of people would rather initiate/encourage/allow children into a world of sex, perverse sex especially, the kind that is sterile, that has no procreation possibilities or responsibilities. Apparently this gives progressives,  homosexuals and homosexualists alike, all sorts of thrills and/or self-aggrandizement. Yes, ostensibly decent people in positions of authority and influence are doing this. Parents, teachers, doctors, lawyers, judges, administrators, leaders. They call it compassion, service, ministering.

Speaking of lawyers and judges, another of the progressive pro-gay world's latest efforts is to outlaw any professional counseling of minors toward reparative therapy, that is, any SOCE counseling (sex orientation change efforts), which ONLY refers to forbidding helping young people change from gay to straight, not the other way around.

Of course there are all sorts of legal ways people can persuade kids toward experimentation and change from straight to gay: books, porn, chat rooms, web sites, gay school clubs, PTA, teachers, community centers, sex workshops, gay-affirming therapy, and on and on. Their common message is: try it, and here are several ways, and if you don't like it at first, give it time. Kids are told to be prepared for merely "recreational" sexual experiences and that they might need to reign in any fond romantic feelings for this or that person or it will get in the way of more sex. Does this sound like the gay "love" they are always touting??? This and much more from a Mormon pro-gay site's "For the Strength of Gay Youth." Please note, they are attempting to recruit kids, encouraging kids to try same-sex sex, telling them there is nothing wrong with the most dangerous and unnatural and phony kind of sex there is.

Again, no rules. The only stipulation seems to be: do sex, sex, and more sex, especially the kind that won't result in pregnancy or responsibility of any kind.  And if there is a warning it's a warning against feeling any guilt or shame. "Guilt and shame are useless emotions," says the Mormon gay site encouraging gay sex for kids. What hogwash this blanket statement is. While guilt and shame are not applicable when an innocent person has been abused and victimized by a predator, on the other hand, when you've really done something harmful and wrong, guilt and shame are helpful. They can lead you to quit doing it and repent. As Pascal said, There is no shame except in having no shame [when it is well deserved].

There are now ten states, and counting, that have enacted laws forbidding SOCE therapy for minors, a heinous development which does violence not only to parental rights but to the individual's desires and goals toward what they consider health and happiness. (Some individuals are miserable in the sleazy, narcissistic, rebellious environment and want out. Our son did, and succeded.)Why would anybody forbid others to get help out of something they don't want in their lives? It makes no sense unless it's about a greater and more nefarious purpose.

It doesn't matter to these people if the minor was abused sexually or exposed to porn or had his developing sexuality interfered with in any way. It doesn't matter to these people if the child or youth is unhappy with a gay mindset and wants to live a normal life in keeping with his beliefs and goals. All they care about is using people to accomplish their Godless ends, which include social experimentation, the total secularization of society, praise of men, pride, power, force, tyranny, you name it. It's easy to manipulate and exploit people who are addicts to their own base appetites.

Apparently progressivism/socialism/secularism/humanism is a huge temptation for people in every walk of life, a tendency as old as mankind. Their mantra goes something like: we are magnificent, let's rise up and make the world a perfect place by our own rules and our own management. And this is occurring even as such people profess to love God and follow Jesus. Many people are caught up heart and soul in these philosophies of men, all the while pretending at religion for reasons of their own. They are fine with all sorts of evils being perpetrated in favor of their faithless, misguided, and impossible human utopian pipe dream. They seem to have forgotten---that was Satan's plan.They seem to be unaware that they are themselves his legions, the anti-Christ.

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