Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Now--- Who and What is Excluded?

We have said repeatedly, borrowing from the late Robert Bork, in a highly polarized world as we have today, one worldview will be preferred and the other worldview will be harmed. Preferred also means emphasized, and has developed today to mean celebrated and even forced upon. Harmed also means de-emphasized, and has developed today to mean denounced and even punished. 

Whichever worldview is chosen in any given era, the opposing worldview will be harmed, de-emphasized, denounced, and punished. No, it's not about being kind, nice, or inclusive or celebrating diversity. These are lies. In reality, two deeply opposing worldviews cannot peacefully co-exist. One will be celebrated, the other will be harmed. 

In our lifetimes, the preferred worldview has flipped from preferring and encouraging lawful godly traditional biblical family moral values to preferring and encouraging unlawful Godless experimental secular anti-family unlimited-sexuality values. There is no doubt about this development. People, in their power, greed, ignorance, willingness to conform, pretense at enlightenment, desire to belong, bitterness, hatred of God, etc., can pretend this cultural shift is just about diversity and inclusion and kindness but it's not about those things at all, because half the world is being ignored, excluded, and hurt. There is zero diversity, inclusion, and kindness for people standing for God and traditional family values. Yes, granted, before, not long ago, it was the other half being ignored, excluded, and hurt. But which worldview has proven throughout human history to be more beneficial and benevolent toward mankind? God or idolatry? Fidelity or promiscuity? Purity or depravity? Honesty or deception? Sanctity of life or the despising of posterity? Freedom or tyranny? Personal responsibility or victimhood? Truth or lies? The answer is obvious we hope.

Even in most churches, which have historically been the bastions of traditional morality, we are seeing the shift toward the latter worldview described above embraced. This shift is exposed in a new documentary called "Enemies Within: The Church," which highlights the Southern Baptist Church, but mirrors what is happening in many or all of the other denominations as well, large and small. Apparently, even the previously strongest and most conservative, traditional family values churches and leaders have flipped. Apparently, with enough pressure and enough love of the world and money and power and popularity, the most trusted leaders can make deceptive step-by-step compromises until quite rapidly they have sold their souls on and for a dime. And then shun and villainize and fire and even disappear their brothers and sisters who don't go along.

Here is a quote from this upcoming documentary, coming in December 2021, a short version of which can be seen now on YouTube. The film shows a lot of church leaders and scholars full-on buying into the gay agenda, and why this is utterly wrong.

"The truth will come out eventually. People will realize that the gay movement lied and that people are not born gay, people can change. People are going to realize that the Bible is clear and the Bible is right and that it all made sense from the very beginning, that there are two types of bodies designed. There was male and female and that they were made for a certain design and a certain purpose. And so once people realize that truth, ultimately, all of these people who played all of these games to try to minimize it, or to try to camouflage it, or to try to accommodate, or to succumb to it, they all lied. They were all part of the big lie."

This big lie at the moment is having its way in every aspect of our society. The secular, Godless, unlimited sex worldview has won the day, while the biblical, God-fearing, sex-only-in-proper-marriage-relationships is being excluded and punished. That is where we find our culture in all its entities today. But this accomplished sexual revolution is by no means the only outcome of the secularization of our country and our world. Every non-benevolent force, every tyranny man can devise, is descending upon us. 

As far as government, schools, churches, and even families, go today, to paraphrase C.S. Lewis, every human institution ends up doing the opposite of what it was originally intended to do. 

O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men.   Psalms 107:8, a scripture we find throughout the Psalms.


