Monday, October 25, 2021

Trans is the New Gay

We haven't posted for a long while. There are several reasons for that. One is that many many more voices, although not in the mainstream culture or in churches as we hoped, have finally come out of the woodwork and are now saying at least some of what we have been saying for almost 20 years, people with much more influence and reach and resources. This is something we have been wishing and praying for, and we have felt a bit vindicated and relieved. There is much more truth and common sense and God and Jesus being spoken and shared these days than when we started Standard of Liberty in 2005. People are finally saying there are only two sexes and men and woman are different and the only objective standard for moral human behavior comes from God. There seemed to be no need to keep repeating what these other voices are saying much better and louder than we can. But there's another reason for this post. What we are hearing is too little, too late.

Once our society surrendered to homosexualism, all hell has rapidly broken loose and will continue to wreak havoc with little resistance. And even our friends, whom we so appreciate saying a lot of those good things listed above, have accepted homosexualism, at least to some degree or in some way. Hey, they say, my grandson is gay, my son, my daughter, my friends are gay, my co-workers, my fellow Christians, my fellow LDS. Who am I to judge? Well, Christ asks us to put the truth before even those. But people made their choice and that has made all the difference. That is why we are where we are today.

In the last few decades our modern culture surrendered to homosexualism in all practical ways. The battle against gay marriage was fought weakly and wrongly, emphasizing lovely wonderful happy traditional marriage at the same time completely avoiding any warning against or any condemning of any other type of sexual behaviors, such as same sex, bisex, pan sex, polygamy, child sex abuse, etc. It was a terrible strategy. And it completely and utterly failed.

Regarding the cultural  acceptance of homosexualism, the legalization of gay marriage cinched the deal. Even though the legalization of certain behaviors does not make them morally right or good, practically everybody is tolerant now of  the gay identity and its behaviors, surrendering completely to homosexualism and same-sex sexual relationships, even in churches and elementary schools. They even fool themselves into thinking their gay children, relatives,friends, employees, and coworkers are behaving perfectly morally and are safe and fine, and that they can have a lot in common with them that negates this one discrepancy. The gay identity is now either ignored or tolerated all the way to accepted and celebrated, even to the point of punishing those who speak against it and or those who even support traditional family values. 

We are annoyed with people saying, well, if a man can say he's a woman, if people are insisting men can get pregnant, we've hit bottom! There's no sanity! It's over! Anything goes!

We're tired of that because these are the same people who now for all intents and purposes peacefully co-exist with homosexual behaviors, who either pretend it's who people are (false), or pretend it isn't harmful (false), or pretend it doesn't affect them (false), or pretend there's nothing to be done about it (false).  

So homosexualism has won the day. Even in many of the most conservative, Christian arenas it is winked at. The lies are widely accepted as truth or at least totally accommodated. 

What's interesting (and annoying to us) is that now these same people, who have given in to mainstreaming homosexualism, are all up in arms about the latest trend: transgenderism. And even some honest transgenders are up in arms about how far transgenderism has gone and how it harms women particularly. What a mess.

As males pose blatantly outwardly as false females, stealing everything from government positions, to sports victories, to bathrooms, to virtue from girls and women, to innocence from small children, suddenly the travesty is beyond the pale to anybody with half a brain. Why? Not because it's basically different from homosexualism. It's actually the same sort of thing. In gay relationships one of the couple have to pretend to be the opposite sex. Get it? Whether they trade off or not, they are participating in fake sex, or an imitation of the real thing. They can't do the real thing. Now, take transgenderism. It's just another way of faking sex, this time as a public identity and more, oftentimes with all the superficial trappings. The hair, the clothes, the make-up, even the hormones and surgical manipulation of body parts. But it's all pretend.

Gayness has merely gone from something we could sort of ignore and tolerate, that is the gay thing where people still appeared sort of normal, as male and female, even though they were gay, to something we can't and don't want to ignore and tolerate, that is, people actually dressing up and insisting they are really the opposite sex, not just in the bedroom but in public and in public policies, jobs, sports, schools, everything.

Women were already being harmed by men who chose other men for nonreproductive sexual partners. Women were already being harmed by being abandoned by their husbands who prefer to have perverse sex and then being lauded by the culture for being true to themselves. Now girlhood and womanhood are being mocked and embarrassed and harmed and degraded in more open ways, even though the world is doing its best to disguise it. And only now our friends say that's just going too far?  Where have they been? Where did they think this would go? 

Of course we can go back much farther. Radical feminiism, the acceptance of easy divorce, premarital sex, promiscuity, radial feminism, legalization of abortion, the degradation of motherhood and fatherhood, sex workers, the multi-billion dollar porn industry, perverse sex education in schools, the corruption of language, and on and on. But it is true that once the world accepted gayness, with people keeping the overt fake sexual behaviors mostly in the bedroom, male public bathrooms, bathhouses and the like, trans was just around the corner. Acceptance of outrageous cross dressing came along followed by increased rebellion and/or the more serious gender dysphoria that demands to be taken as health and sanity. 

Remember the movie Tootsie with Dustin Hoffman going to such great lengths to pass himself off as a woman to get a job? We laughed. But in real life these days some men go to even greater lengths and actually can pull it off, for a time anyway. Sometimes voices and the size of hands and feet may still give it away. The funny thing is, while transgenders claim to truly be the opposite sex, they seem to always give the truth away themselves. Right up front and proudly. They don't really want to be a mere female or thought of as a mere female. They want to be a transwoman---a perverse man who pretends he is a woman and demands everyone believes he is too---and everyone has to know. That's their claim to fame. It can only be rebellion and/or mental illness.

We may wonder and sometimes really can't tell anymore which of the two sexes a certain person is. In a larger sense it doesn't matter. But there come times and places when it does matter a great deal. Think about how unkind that may be to others. They don't know what to call you, what pronouns to use, where to direct you. And people now live in fear of getting it wrong and being punished for it. As we wrote in our book, Wild Elephant, the Gospel Truth about Today's Stampeding Sexuality, every male and female has the responsibility to be the least bit courteous to others by presenting themselves as the sex, male or female, they are, most especially when they start growing up and into adulthood. It doesn't take much on your part for people to know immediately what sex you are. It's a most basic courtesy that has been abandoned.

 Transgenderism is actually just a skin deep outward manifestation of all things sexually confused. It's o only the clothes, the make-up, the hair, the absolute nerve of it showing itself in public and demanding compliance, which it is now being given, that is different than mere gayness. Transgenders are actually just fancy gays and lesbians. The transwomen go for men, and the transmen go for women. That is homosexuality by another name. Transwomen (read: crossdressing gay men) are now even demanding that straight men date them or they are called hateful and transphobic. (And of course it can go every other direction too except the one healthy sexuality. It's the whole alphabet soup.)

Now, with the normalization of transgenderism, sexual confusion is now in our faces in every public arena. We can see the nonsense with our eyes, Men obviously dressed as women pretending they really are women is just one example. It's affecting ordinary people's everyday lives, marriages, families, children, goals, interests, jobs, churches, government, medicine, military, education, and well-being. And decent people all the sudden don't like it.  They say, we can't accept it; once we have accepted transgenderism, we'll accept anything. We say, once you accepted the false interchangeability of men and women, as in radical feminism, homosexuality, gay "marriage," gay parenting, etc. you set yourself up to accept transgenderism, the public manifestation of gender bending gayness, and everything else. And don't deny it. Homosexuality is now accepted in every outward, practical way as normal and mainstream everywhere except maybe here at Standard of Liberty and in a few other out-of-the-mainstream groups.

Even the Mormon church doesn't say anything negative about it anymore. Our current bishop refers to LDS lesbian marriage in terms of "the magic of their love," and says gay students are 150 % welcome in his institute classroom. In many ways it's not the same church we knew all our lives. For one thing, it no longer preaches and upholds traditional family values. We have found that those with outspoken strong biblical traditional values are no longer welcome at all. It certainly can't work both ways.

So, friends, please don't get indignant over the transgenderism travesty and all its fallout at this late date; you don't have the right. You surrendered normal sexuality somewhere along the line a while ago. And who knows what's next? 

But is it coming in the future or is it already happening?

A while ago we predicted that the ultimate human wickedness of our day (second to abortion) would be the acceptance of the spontaneous sexual abuse of anyone. Anyone who felt the urge could do anything to anyone sexually anywhere, any time. We thought of how a child or minor walking down the street could be sexually assaulted by a stranger, and anyone complaining about it, such as the victim or bystanders or the parents, would be the ones at fault--arrested, punished, fined, re-educated, have the child taken away, whatever. After all, the powers that be pronounce such preposterous nonsense as: we all need sex all the time, sexuality can never be denied, children need to be initiated--the sooner the better. What dreadful ideas. But is this scenoario coming true today?

Recently a ninth grade girl was forcibly sodomized in her posh Virginia high school's bathroom by a boy in a skirt. This was covered up and denied by school officials who continued to push a transgender bathroom policy. The boy was merely transferred to another school and sexually attacked another girl, this time in a classroom. Guess who got forcibly arrested and put in jail for ten days before the perp was even held accountable-----the father of the first raped girl who insisted on bringing it up at a school board meeting. Here's another incident. You've probably all heard the news lately about the woman who was raped for 40 minutes on a train in Philadelphia while many bystanders did nothing to help. 

A prediction that we hoped was preposterous at the time is now really happening. Sexual predators increasingly realize they can get away with practically anything. And they are and they will. Increasingly.

It's not about gay or bi or trans-identifying people. It's about very bad and harmful behaviors---and those very bad and harmful behaviors not being called out, And then those bad behaviors even being preferred over proper and right and healthful behaviors. 

The only thing to do is repent of all this destructive nonsense, all of it, and seek God's guidance as to what to do about it.