Sunday, December 31, 2017

Why Mormons Have Gone Pro-Gay

Mormons have gone pro-gay, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay sex, pro-transgenderism, the whole homosexual enchilada. Yes, they have. Only a few of us are left holding our scriptures, standing our ground.

You don't think so? Ask around. Speak out against homosexuality. This is what you will get:

"Well, when there's someone in your family. . . :

"Well, it's complicated . . . "

"Well, I don't know anything about it . . .:

Well, they make such great parents. . . "

Well, you can't help who you love . . . "

"Well, what if they were really born that way . . . "

And on and on.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All wrong.

These are excuses. They are rationalizations. They are nonsense. In a religious sense they are false idols.

Here's what has happened. Here's why Mormons, once thought to be a highly moral group, have left those morals far behind.

It's because they have put family and the world before God. Whether they have done this by having been deceived, or are complicit in the deception, it's that simple. 

Look, God gave us minds and hearts. We're supposed to use them. Everybody knows what homosex is. Everybody knows it's gross. But many are afraid of the workings of their own minds and hearts. They would rather rely on other people's conclusions than do their own homework and come to their own. In fact, they would rather not think, or even feel very much, so they take the wide, easy path. They would rather keep the status quo, retain their position, have no empty chairs, pretend everything is hunky dory, have everybody in the family photo, wear white clothes in fancy buildings, feel themselves to be charitable and open-minded, and gain popularity with the world, than stand against the evil wickedness of the times. They would even rather do all of the above than warn their happily homosexual family member of the physically risky and spiritually dead path they are on! That deserves that xclamation point.  Ask anybody if they warn their gay friends or family members of the very real health risks and lifestyle dangers. Just ask them. We can tell you they probably don't.

A stake church leader actually angrily and incredulously and disdainfully spouted to us, "Do you want me to tell my [lesbian] sister she is doing something wrong???"

Uh, yeah.

Especially if you claim to be a follower of Christ. Especially if you actually care about the person.

And shouldn't we care about everybody?

Alas, this irreligious, immoral, moronic political correctness is the state most Mormons have come to, whether out of ignorance or squeamishness or fear or pride or whatever else bad. Instead of standing for truth and right, instead of caring about the temporal safety and immortal souls of these people, instead of testifying of law and sin and justice and Christ and his power to redeem, they are going right along. To put it bluntly, they are gullible and weak of faith. They don't really believe in Christ. They don't really think the gospel works. They have put other things before God. Hence, the devil is winding his invisible flaxen cords around their necks. They have fallen into the all-is-well-in-Zion trap, made laws unto themselves, and rely not on Christ but on themselves and other human beings, their manipulations and managements.

It's no mystery. This is exactly why people are embracing this age-old vice, whether they participate themselves or find pleasure in those that do.  

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