In the last 20 years or so, society has blatantly and unashamedly turned itself upside down. Where before, mainstream culture and mores reflected biblical traditional morality in all policies and laws, we now have mainstream culture and mores reflecting an opposite "new morality" in all policies and laws. We think we know one reason this has happened. It has happened because God-fearing, conservative people, of which there are many more than Godless, hedonistic people, refused to call out the bad and harmful ideas as bad and harmful, and instead sidestepped crucial issues by pretending to be in favor of something else, something perhaps thought a tiny bit less controversial. That was very naive. It's like aiming somewhere else and expecting to hit the target. It's like running away from an enemy bent on destroying you and expecting to survive. Well-meaning people got distracted, fighting merely for good instead of against evil. And lost every time.
Here are several of many examples, the following of which all have to do, interestingly, with the power of procreation.
Abortion. Instead of saying they are against the destroying unborn human beings at any stage of development is not "pro-choice," the powers that be on our side, took up the banner of being "pro-life." This was a huge mistake. We should have taken the stance that sexual intercourse is where the choice is. Although of course we are for life, the pro-life argument ignores the crux of the problem: personal responsibility for sexual behavior.To this day, even with the huge efforts and strength of the pro-life movement now actually pointing out how human life begins at conception and how barbaric abortion is, personal responsibility for having sex is rarely, if ever, mentioned. And yet it's the underlying cause for the many, many millions of abortions. People decided to have sex and got pregnant. If they had been more thoughtful in making that first decision (whether or not they wanted to have sex knowing they may get pregnant and then would be responsible for that human being, which thought process is certainly possible for every healthy, normal human old enough to have consensual sex), there would be practically no abortion argument. (Cases of abortion because of rape resulting in pregnancy or abortion to save the mother are so very rare and really have nothing to do with arguments such as "my body, my choice" which have resulted in so many millions of unwanted babies being destroyed.)The fact is, when even minimally intelligent people decide to engage in the act that makes babies, they know it, and they know they are taking that risk. With sexual intercourse the choice has already been made: pregnancy, or the conceiving of a new human being, may well be the natural result of this act. This is 10th grade biology. Why have we never heard that argument? Why is that argument not the whole argument? Because society has been brainwashed into believing that isn't the issue, that people can't be held responsible for their sexual choices and behaviors. That is ridiculous. They can be held responsible, and it is the whole argument. Responsibility for individual sexual behavior is one crucial concept that makes people civilized.You do the act, you have to take responsibility for the results of the act, one of which may be pregnancy. We lost the battle because we didn't face the real issue, that people want to free themselves from the responsibilities of their sexual choices and behaviors. The opposition was so clever and so intimidating---focusing on the woman's "rights" and the fact that you can't see the baby developing---while completely distracting minds away from the ultimate problem: sexual irresponsibility, or the trumped up "right" to have sexual relations without having to live out the natural consequences. As a result, over 60 million unique human beings have not been allowed to be born in the United States and experience life here on earth. Destroyed because of and by their own irresponsible, hedonistic, Godless parents.
Pornography. The mainstreaming and availability of obscenity has exploded in the last 25 years or so. Where before, a person had to show ID to purchase pornographic material in person, now a young child can be exposed even accidentally through all kinds of media (even the books in public school libraries), including the internet available in homes and schools and libraries where every sort of porn can be accessed by the touch of a button or two. This "freedom" has been fought for in our culture and courts in the name of freedom of speech or expression (but really it's about money and controlling people by exploiting human weaknesses) with little or no real concern for the destruction it can and does bring upon human lives, on minors, adults, marriages, and families. Instead of coming out strongly against the existence of the multi-billion dollar porn industry itself, which is not good for anyone, those against it merely swatted at the scourge with a flyswatter. Let's put this control or limit or filter on it, they said. That was the extent of our societal opposition, which is no real opposition at all, just a management.Hardly ever did we hear the argument that porn is indecent and obscene, that it hurts people, that there is nothing good about it for human beings, that it engenders all sorts of societal ills, that the industry itself should be run out of town and obliterated.
Homosexuality. It is easy to see how the public gave in to this formerly unspeakable tendency and vice. It took some decades and a lot of planning and conditioning and brainwashing and shaming and name-calling and virtue signaling and calling upon Love, as in why can't people "love" (read:sex around with) anybody they want? Legally, they argument was that people should be able to do whatever they want in the privacy of their bedroom. Quite rapidly, because of "the overhauling of straight America," society decided it would no longer reject this behavior, but rather celebrate it. The lame arguments of those who resisted were, well, lame. They went something like this: We aren't anti-gay; we're just pro-family. Lame. Same as the weak and ineffectual anti-gay marriage argument (see below). They completely neglected to point out the many intrinsic and unique health hazards of this behavior. They completely neglected to remind people that deadly HIV/AIDS was spread by this behavior. They completely ignored the sex addiction, drug use, violence, and predatory nature compounded by this behavior. They completely threw under the bus the many confused people experiencing unwanted homosexual tendencies, and those who chose to repent and heal. Now, many states have outlawed any treatment of minors for unwanted homosexuality. And it's going to get worse. They completely failed to see they would reap what they sowed, as in children being taught all manner of sexual licentiousness and sexual behaviors and gender identities in public schools. What is encouraged will increase. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Failing to stop evil leads to more evil.