Monday, July 18, 2022

The Lure of the LGBTETC Life

Finally, after more than 20 years of trying to learn about and bring some light to this topic, many more people with many more talents and resources than we have are doing it! Hallelujah! This is why we don't post as much anymore or start our own YouTube channel.  Most of what we are seeing and hearing on our side is gratifying and an answer to our prayers. They are rightly finally calling the LGBTETC phenomenon grooming. That means it's the environment, the culture, the propaganda that is luring mostly young people in unprecedented numbers into gay experimentation and ideology. Other words to describe the grab for young people by the LGBTETC and their operators are seducing, luring, tempting, corrupting, initiating. And yes, grabbing, that's a good one. It now occurs everywhere, all over the internet and in all other media, in government policies and programs, in schools, in businesses, even in churches and families and, of course, in person. Turns out the movement was always after the kids. As Tammy Bruce, a prominent journalist and self-identified and not proud lesbian, said back in 2003 in her book The Death of Right and Wrong, " I believe this grab for children by the sexually confused adults of the gay elite represents the most serious problem facing our culture today." 

We agree with Tammy, although the word confused rings euphemistic at this stage of the game. While in our activism days we fought the gay clubs in high schools, now there are nationally organized drag queen story hours in public libraries, rainbow-clad parades in our cities' public streets, and drag shows in gay bars, all aimed at the smallest children. True, there are many, many pawns in this movement, but the movers and shakers at the very apex of it know exactly what they are doing. They are thumbing their noses at God, making a lot of money, wielding a lot of power, and corrupting the young. The thing is, they will throw the whole LGBT "community" under the bus (literally) when their power is absolute.  All this hateful faction-making is just being used to divide and weaken us as a people.

The born-that-way and who-would-want-to-be-gay and it's-just-who-I-am and if-you-don't-accept-us-you-are-making-us-suicidal arguments have never held up and have all but disappeared.  Just as the legalization of abortion was sold as  a "right" and promised to be "safe and rare," the gay movement was sold as: there aren't that many, love is love (which is a meaningless circular argument), it's a rights issue, it's nobody else's business, it's who we are, there are all sorts of families. Turns out none of that proved to be sincere or true, on the abortion issue or the gay issue. Turns out both issues have not been able to hide their true colors any longer. We can see clearly that this, along with the abortion craze, wasn't about someone's constitutional rights at all, but about anger, rebellion, nihilism, licentiousness, no rules, do whatever, let's take over the world. It is naive, and dangerous for us all.

The LGBTETC craze has exploded, most recently in the form of  the in-your-face transgender movement, the T in LGBT. Homosexualist ideologies, along with LGBTETC individuals, groomers, and predators are everywhere, at work, in schools, in high government positions, in entertainment, in the military, even in churches and starring in conservative media.  People get punished for their traditional values. Parents get disowned by their grown children for being "toxic homophobes."Teachers can't say the words mother and father. There are a hundred or more "genders." Leaders, medical professionals, and politicians refuse to define what a woman is at the same time women are celebrating destroying their unborn. The licentious are celebrating their licentiousness. Sex and sexuality are fluid, from moment to moment. And it's the very opposite of private. It's on the offense and it has come after everybody's children. Knowledge of one's own unrepented-of guilt, virtue-signaling, and attention-seeking are hugely seductive parts of it. Even parents are preempting the coming Godless dystopia, already willingly sacrificing their children on this destructive altar. 

Let's not pretend, people. The LGBTETC lure is hugely seductive in today's environment, especially for susceptible, sponge-like young minds. Even Disney is proactively going after kids. And churches and families are going along. Churches do not teach law, sin, repentance, chastity or fidelity with regard to gay congregants. Parents are no longer teaching their kids about chastity or traditional values, especially when it comes to gayness. The pressure is too great. So kids are growing up thinking all things LGBTETC are cool. On a personal level it's a way to be noticed, a way, (like abortion) to avoid responsibility, a way to rebel, a way to push against peer abuse, and a way to deny or avoid the discomforts of adolescence and relations with the opposite sex, even a way to repress painful realities such as sexual abuse. It's a way to dismiss law, sin, goodness, God and Creation. Face it, it's just another way to be crazy and/or bad. And ask them; they will tell you it's pleasurable. But what they don't know or won't admit is, sin is only fun for a while. Then you go back to being miserable. Already, young people who were so easily caught up in the LGBTETC lure are detransitioning, many having done permanent damage to their bodies. 

We here at SOL finally see a healthy backlash. But it's at least 20 years too late. At least two generations have been lured, conditioned, seduced, groomed, either into this licentious mindset and behavior or into supporting it. And the much, much older people who know better are going along. Shame on them.

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