Sunday, January 3, 2021

A Prayer to Feel God's Love

A friend once told us to pray about what is true, and do it all through the day. Our gift to you is this sample prayer written by Janice. Our friend said to read your prayer twice daily. Another idea of his was to set your watch or phone to bling at you every hour throughout the day to remind you to say a short prayer along these same lines. If you are feeling down or stressed, try it for three weeks and see what miracles occur. (Thank you James Cox!)

Dear God,

I am a valued, beautiful, spiritual, perfectly loved child of Thine. My past, my actions, my sins, my age, my looks, my words, my thoughts, my circumstances, and how others think about or treat me have nothing to do with thy great unchanging love for me. As I choose to acknowledge my noble true identity as a beloved child of God I know I will feel more tender love, awe, respect, and true charity for myself and all others. Because of Thy great Love Thy Son Jesus Christ gave his life to save me from my many human sins, or else I would not have a way to Heaven, where all is goodness, truth, and beauty. This is proof, along with all Thy glorious Creation, of Thy wondrous Love for me and all of Thy children. I choose to embrace Thy enduring Love, the grace of Christ, and the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord as the sole source of my feelings of high self-worth and motivation for continual learning, improvement, and spiritual growth. Help me live every day in the warm, calm light of Thy Divine Love, come what may, and do all things out of gratitude and love for Thee.

Short version: I am a beloved child of God. Father, help me to feel it.

Happy New Year to everyone from Standard of Liberty

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