Thursday, August 1, 2019

Drag Queen Men Insult Women and Injure Children

If you read anything behind these drag queen story hours being held at libraries all over the world, including 35 chapters in the U.S., for children age 3-8, at which they read LGBTQ-affirming picture books aloud, (with make-up classes for tweens and teens), your heart might explode. See if you can make it even halfway through this information provided by MassResistance. I couldn't.

As an actual woman, and as a mother and grandmother, I have something to say about this development and a perfect right to say it. Somebody has to.

First, as a woman, I am grossly insulted. I am insulted that grown men are making a mockery of my sex, which is being treated in all seriousness! No woman I have ever known makes such a spectacle of herself as these men do. No woman I know presents herself in any way like these men are doing. No woman I know does her makeup like that, or wears costumes like that. Ever. No woman I know would ever appear like that in front of children and read them perverse sexuality stories. This is a perversion of womanhood, a sick and frightening parody, exaggerated to the nth degree, all to initiate children into perverse sexuality.

Who does that? Well, sex-addicted men who are after the only sexual taboo remaining: children. The huge amount of trouble they go to is a clue to their outrageous preoccupation with sex and children.

I am insulted also because these drag queens are men. As such they have no right to pose as women, especially in polite society expecting to be taken seriously, treated as V.I.P.s, and celebrated. They do not have female anatomy. They never had a period or menstrual cramps. They never had PMS. They were never pregnant and never gave birth. They never had postpartum depression or nursed a baby. They have never suffered through menopause, having bouts of anxiety/hot flashes every 45 minutes for years. These womanly experiences are serious things for us women. I don't appreciate them being dismissed and belittled. These men will never suffer through any of these exclusively female pains and discomforts. What right have they to pretend they are female without having any body part, natural hormone, or true life experience that actually comes with being a female?

Second, as a mother and grandmother, I have my claws out to protect young ones. More and more of these drag queen men are being found to be involved in all things perversely sexual and pornographic and to admit they wish to groom and recruit children into all things perversely sexual. Apparently, the common predatory initiating of younger people is the most thrilling part of the whole LGBT lifestyle. The movement certainly puts a huge effort into recruiting children and youth, through the education system, through mainstream entertainment, through pornography, through printed materials, through sex ed classes, through foster programs, through libraries, through parades and festivals, through conferences and workshops, you name it.

You think drag queen story hour is not about perverse and promiscuous sex for kids and everything connected with it? These are some of the actual names they choose for themselves: Annie Christ. Molestia Child. Anna Bortion, Sharon Needles. Olive D. Cox. Avery Goodlay. Anna Fetamine. Can anyone doubt that these drag queen story hours are taxpayer funded child abuse that contribute to the delinquency of minors? Aggressive transvestites, who demand access to children, should be on the sexual offenders list, if they aren't already! They are dangerous. These outrageous cross-dressers' stated goal is to provide children with positive role models for sex and sexuality. Yes, they admit it's all about sex,and they call it positive! So why have libraries been known not to provide their real identities to the public? It's not just the LGBTs that are out to confuse and harm children; it's their supporters, too.

Think how you would have felt as a child if you were exposed to this sort of thing, especially under the auspices of authority entities and figures like government, libraries, adults, librarians, and parents.

Please see our books about teaching children correct attitudes and facts about male and female, sex and sexuality.  The gentle text of Me Tarzan, You Jane is free to read to your children and grandchildren. It's one thing you can do to contradict the harm and insanity.

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