Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Devil Has a Plan

In the fallout from the President's edict that all school sanitary facilities everywhere should allow either sex of person regardless of actual sex, we've been hearing professionals and experienced people on sexuality issues speak out. These are people on our side. What they say is mostly good. But we detect a big problem. Please correct us if we're wrong. 

Okay. We get it that clinical therapists, like ecclesiastical leaders, like to say they have compassion for their struggling clients or their struggling congregants. We get all that stuff about love love love,  all-you-need-is-love. We also get that it's not enough and it's destructive. There seems to be a blind eye being turned to sin and evil and harm and guilt and accountability. This is an evil in itself. You have to have both charity and knowledge or neither are going to be effective, most importantly if our main concern is with the soul. And not just knowledge of the causal trauma a person who "transgenders" has suffered, which is just about always the case, but knowledge of the evil of this mindset. This is the devil's territory and we're just not hearing it. They decide that every trannie they happen to know and stand in a position to help is a completely harmless individual, so they decide that transgenderism is harmless across the board. Harmless to whom? What about the message the societal acceptance of transgenderism is sending to children, the little sponges?

In recent years it appears that knowledge has been neglected in favor of a watered-down, temporal form of charity. Is it an over-correction? We think so. And over-correction can prove fatal. The religious stance emphasizing sin and punishment and the need for repentance is an embarrassment people now wish to sweep under the rug. Hellfire and damnation are now hugely politically incorrect. Heaven and hell have been replaced by the here and now, as in let's just slide this Bible to the side. They are over-correcting by emphasizing a chicken soup compassion that doesn't really help anybody at all.

No, compassion cannot outweigh truth. And compassion is not necessarily charity. Let's talk about real charity, the pure love of Christ. Charity is not ignorance. Charity is not a weak stand. It is a fully informed knowledge of the whole situation. And then it doesn't fly off the handle with a knee-jerk rejection or condemnation. It is measured and thoughtful and patient. It forgives the repentant  seventy-times seven. It seeks to know how best to handle things. It is strongly and correctly informed and strongly concerned with the welfare of the immortal souls of men. Not just comforts in the now. Not just temporal solutions. Not our own accomplishments. Not how much good we do. It deals in eternal truths. As such, charity, Real Love, may appear harsh and be unwelcome to the sinner and to the helper alike. 

People purporting to help others (and they may people, but only to a certain extent) are so afraid of appearing uncompassionate---and we submit that some are also so full of their own story and their own magnanimity----that they don't see that they need to tell things as they really are. They are too sentimental. Life becomes a reflection of their own self-righteous or hurt feelings. Wrong. They need to call sin sin, evil evil, guilt guilt. It's not just an individual struggle; it's a culture war, and in this culture war if you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.

All this across-the-board gushy compassion towards the eternally victimized sexually confused is pretty sickening to a mother whose child was seduced and hurt by such people. It's like telling a parent whose child was killed by a drunk driver to have only compassion for the drunk driver. No accountability. No punishment. No consequences. The drunk driver is just a victim. In fact, let's make him a hero and put his picture on the cover of Vanity Fair.  By the way, the mother mentioned here gave no leeway to her child who consequently needed to repent himself and get straightened out. Which he eventually did. The gospel that teaches of sin and repentance and redemption is what works. Better than mere mushy, gushy compassion. Better than anything.

And another thing. All this emphasis on compassion sends a message to the acting out/afflicted. They are getting sympathy, which is something emotionally ill people crave, and so why not continue the disorder? It's working! 

 We get that professionals and ecclesiastics don't want to use their clients/congregants to further any cause. Right, but isn't God and goodness and truth always worth fighting for? Doesn't God always come first? Wouldn't putting God first be a good thing for their struggling clients/congregants to see them doing?

We think a lot of therapists and church leaders who hang their hats on their unquestionable compassion for the same-sex attracted and transgendered are living in a bubble, a twenty-five-year-old bubble. Whatever ecclesiastical/professional ethics these people hold, it seems that their mindset is in a place where there is no pornography available to children and youth, where there aren't gays as celebrities or main characters in mainstream culture, where teachers in schools don't teach homosexuality as perfectly normal, where schools don't hold gay sensitivity assemblies, where there is no president of the United States celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism and forcing it on school children, where there is no pro-gay internet/facebook, where there are no online predators, no sex addicts, no pedophiles, no perverts, where evil does not exist. These well-intentioned but blind people need to open their eyes. There is such as thing as right and wrong, as good and evil.  But no, we have to have compaaaaaaaassssssssion. Nothing's outrageous, nothing's abhorrent, nothing's unacceptable. It's just a pitiable psychological problem. Who cares who these confused people hurt in turn?

"The world as it is includes evil" (Richard Giannone). "The triumph of sin comes with our failure to perceive it" (Roger Scruton).  "My devil has a name, a history, and a definite plan"  (Flannery O'Connor).

We don't buy this wholesale hazy compassion and as you can see we are in good company. In fact, we're sick of it and on a societal scale it certainly isn't working. It isn't even making a dent; in fact it's playing right into the enemy's hands. The devil is having his vengeful way with God's children.

Has everybody forgotten about tough love? That's what the true gospel of Jesus Christ comprises. Apparently, many well-meaning people think they know better than God, and that's the first step toward the devil.

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